
The interesting shaped mound is apparently the burial site of Thorfinn Skullsplitter, a 10th century Earl of Orkney. Sheep now safely graze nearby (one was even nonchalantly ear scratching) and skull splitting is no longer considered politically correct.

We saw Arctic Tern with their wonderful bright red bills and legs, big fat Black Headed Gull chicks, listened to a skylark and made an effort to ID wildflowers, including the retiring Common Mouse-Ear which our book suggests is without charisma - but I did like its little furry leaves.

Golf this afternoon was probably the worst I've played for some time; it's all getting a bit frustrating.

Out this evening to see a broadcast from the National Theatre of 'A Small Island' which I thoroughly enjoyed despite the honest portrayal of our treatment of the Windrush immigrants. It seems like we have learned nothing.

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