Divide and conquer

Both tinkers awake early but both content to potter about. Munchie did colouring. Wom headed down stairs and did his own breakfast! He did call for me to pour his milk!

Watching week for ballet and tap. So lovely to see how much she has professed again, she tapped her heart out, danced her feet off. Plus, she loves her character skirt.

From here we headed to the bell boat regatta. My god it was hot!
Munchie didn’t want to go on a boat / even though she had the chance. She was also reluctant for me to go on a boat! So I didn’t.

Left earlier than planned. Home
Paddling pool fun
She thought it was hilarious that I got in

Boys got home
They had been to Hereford on the train. Wom had a fabulous time.

Both in the paddling pool

Eventually made tea.
Tea eaten
Children to bed

Lee and I had a lovely half hour sitting in the paddling pool / the water was so warm and if you closed your eyes you could almost believe you were abroad!

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