Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


I ambled along Moorside, down to Spring Wood and back through Tong Park. It was overcast and cooler when I set out, so I wasn't too optimistic about butterfly activity, but there were several bright spells while I was walking and that was enough to bring them out.

At Moorside, as yesterday on the moor, there were plenty of Meadow Brown and Small Heath, along with Ringlet, Large Skipper, Painted Lady, Red Admiral and Small Tortoiseshell. In the meadow that fringes the west side of Spring Wood I was surprised to find a couple of Common Blue, further signs that they may be expanding their range locally. There were plenty of Speckled Wood and one very worn Peacock which must be left over from the spring, alongside plenty of Meadow Brown, Ringlet and Large Skippers again.

This is also where I came across the Banded Demoiselle pictured. As with the Common Blue I have a sense that I'm seeing these in new places this year, they're possibly pushing out from their local stronghold on the banks of the River Aire. I also had distance glimpses of some sortof hawker, and a couple of Four-spotted Chaser along with many damselflies.

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