
By gfm

Biblical Rain

A difficult day. We visited our elderly surrogate Granny type figure, in a care home. She stayed in bed and didn't respond for the first wee while, though I stood and chatted away anyway. Later, she responded a little by holding my hand. When she opened her eyes, they seemed so tiny, like little currants. She didn't speak. I left her a picture from the Bug - the three of us holding hands.

We was a fittingly dreich day - relentlessly grey and rainy, but it became some else entirely on the drive home from Fife. The heavens opened and the deluge was biblical. I had a really difficult drive home through flash flooding. The Bug and the Bear slept right through it - the incredible noise of the rain beating the car roof, the frantic but futile windscreen wipers, the runaway heat shielding in the road, the relentless cloudy rivers where the roads were meant to be, and the soaked mothers with the water up to their shins, pulling along small bewildered school children.

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