And did those feet...

I must admit that when we used to sing "Jerusalem"  at school at the end of term, I was always a bit confused by it.  I'm not sure I fully understand all the sentiment behind it even now but somehow "Jerusalem"  seems to be appropriate for a Monomonday with the theme of "Patriotism". As an English teacher I should know.  I think I do.  But it does make me feel rather uncomfortable.  As do lots of things at the moment.  Honesty?  Integrity?  Things to be cherished?  Or is loyalty more important? Support?  Have any of you discovered that death and grief opens up all sorts of feelings and differences that you never really suspected were there?  Selfishness?  Idleness?  How do we build Jerusalem in our"Green and Pleasant Land"  when we all hold such different values?

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