
By Houseonahill6

All bottled

I managed to leave the Elderflower mixture steeping for about 48 hours.I covered it , left it in a cool place and stirred occasionally.
I did not have any muslin so used a triangular bandage that worked really well. We placed a colander in a large bowl, covered it with the bandage and then used a ladle to pour in the mixture to be filtered. A lovely clear , yellowy liquid dripped through.
I sterilised the bottles in the oven, 10 minutes at 130 degrees.
I bought a handy funnel and David helped pour the liquid into the bottles. I did not realise the bottles were quite so big when I ordered them so I think smaller ones would be better.You can use plastic bottles and freeze the mixture.
We’ve tried some with sparkling water and it tastes delicious, not too sweet so I think using the honey and lemons helped.

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