There's a world outside

But it's not nice.

The morning routine of getting up and drawing while the weans watch TV was varied only by watching Adobe podcasts and scribbling. But a slight stir craziness was setting in. Monster-drawing has run its course although Ellen's dolphin driving a bus was good (although she forgot the wheels so, as she correctly pointed out, it looked more like a dolphin driving a house).

Mandy cracked and insisted we go out since it wasn't technically raining at that point and there was a suggestion of sunshine. Happed up against the howling wind we ventured along the prom, heading (optimistically I thought) for the Broomhall Estate. I thought we might get as far as the boat. As it turned out we hardly made it past the Ship before the slush/rain started so we turned around, eyeing the Ship longingly as we scuttled home. We'd stupidly come out without any cash.

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