The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Shelly and Arvin

I took this photo at Peace Arch Park on the US Canadian border. There was an event at the park sponsored by Seattle and Vancouver B.C. called Dementia Without Borders. Our group, Dementia Support Northwest, formerly Alzheimer's Society of Washington, was fully involved setting up the lunch and helping to run the event. There were many activities including an art show. 

Shelly and I were planning to get there early to help the Bellingham crew make up all the lunches, a very big job. And I was bringing up three art pieces for the art show, two paintings of Arvin and a sculpture of him I did ten years ago.

We took off a bit late and I used my (I thought) trusty Google Maps on my phone to direct us to the US side parking lot. Let's just say that did not work. Not even close. She started taking me in circles in Blaine, WA and finally I figured we were supposed to take another exit and ended up in the line to cross the border. Since I have NEXUS I headed for that shorter line and the Canadian border officer was really kind. He had an assistant move a barrier and we were headed back to the US... in a very slow line... that then closed so we moved over... and then opened so we moved back... and then took ten minutes to actually open. Phew! So instead of getting there early we got there a bit after the start of the event itself. I got my paintings and sculpture on display but was no help otherwise. Sorry guys.

Shelly and I relaxed and enjoyed the event. I met new folks and saw old friends. At the end we packed up my art and headed back to the car. I took this photo and the one of the Peace Arch on the way back. I love how easy going Shelly is and how willing to traipse along with me to events like this one.

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