Plodding on.

Went to the gym early this morning, as I had an appointment to go on the Bodytrax. You will remember I went on about a year ago, and it was free for members. It's now £2 a month added on to your direct debit, and you can go on as many times as you want, or £5 for a one off, which is what I did. Results were all good, and my metabolic age is 53, which I am well happy with. Des wasn't there today as he has gone to the hospital with his wife. Vic was, so I told him all about the Sprint8 program, and   he had a go alongside me.   No Open Church today, as there was a funeral in the church, so I caught an earlier bus home. J went to Llandow on his motorbike,  and then he, and some of the boys  went on to Porthcawl. 

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