First crop

Back in April, we planted some Anya potatoes that had sprouted whilst we were in South Africa.  We'd never grown potatoes before, so it was a venture into the unknown.

The plants appeared to thrive, producing lots of foliage.  We never saw them flower - perhaps that happened whilst we were in Sweden on our road trip.  But over the last couple of weeks the top growth has been dying back, so today we emptied one of the pots into the wheelbarrow, and retrieved potatoes in a range of sizes.  There's at least enough for a couple of meals - not bad for a first attempt.  

There remains a second pot - we'll leave that for next week.

After this excitement, I went off to the supermarket to do the shopping, and got all the way there before realising that I hadn't put my purse in my bag!  At least I hadn't filled my trolley.

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