Richard P

By ricky_p


Not the usual lunchtime at the office. 

One colleague had just come back from getting a sandwhich and he warned us all there were loud bangs and there were people running. Very soon afterwards the fire alarms went off so we had to evacuate the building and police ushered us round to the Park. You could see black smoke from the apartments. 

I am clearly well trained as I had left all my valuables including bike and house keys inside. I got bored of not being able to go home, sitting around hungry, getting cold, not being able to see anything so I went up the crags. As well as everybody standing around near the roundabout, you can just make out the black smoke behind the white building to the left of the green building. After 3 hours we were allowed to grab our stuff from the office then work from home.

Turned out to be a substation fire

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