Yachting ...... but no wind!

'Y' is for Yachting! ;-)

I couldn't wait for today, I actually wanted to blip it yesterday already, but there was no wind yesterday, sooooo ..... today's gonna be the day!! Wellll, NO wind and temperatures very deep in the 30's Celsius, so, only yachts, no yacthing today. But Ronnie sr brought the 'tube' today, and the kids enjoyed being pulled all over the dam behind the boat. You can see our boat right in the middle of the picture, pulling little Wyat on the tube, this 8 year old felt like a big man today, sooo proud to be allowed to do this on his own for the first time! His little brother, aged 5 took a turn as well, but his twin sister didn't want to risk her life at all!! Hehehe

We enjoyed the last day with J&B and their family, they were planning on going back home tomorrow, but Jopie did not feel too well for 3 days now, and unfortunately they had to take him to hospital tonight, not too sure what's wrong, still waiting for Bessie to tell us what the doctor at 1 Military Hospital found wrong with him, he is a retired Army Colonel. We truly pray that there's not something seriously wrong, he is such a sweetie and we love him to bits, he is my late mom's youngest brother, 2 years younger than me! Fortunately his daughter and son-in-law came with them for a well deserved break, and he could drive the car to Pretoria for them.

Seriously tired now, the past 3 days were great, but all the excitement plus the horrifying heat really drained me!

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