Kath's Journal

By Kathb

Parkrun Day at Inch Beach, Ireland

Oh, my poorly knees and calf muscles. The volunteers warned that this was going to be a tough 5 K run. Normally the park runners seek out the firmer sand, but today there was a sea angling competition taking place and we were pushed out on to the soft sand near the edge of the low dunes. I didn’t get anywhere near my best 5K time, but I am pleased that I finished and didn’t stop or resort to walking. Did I mention my poorly knees and calf muscles? At least the weather was kind in that there was some decent cloud cover and we didn't get too hot. 

There were about 60 runners which seems low for a parkrun but this is a rural area.

This is the café where is all starts and ends. I relaxed with a black coffee and a large vegan chocolate tart. I deserved and enjoyed every single bite of that tart. It looks like I managed to get a shot without many park runners in it,  but I think most of them are inside the café queuing up for a brew.  

In the afternoon we went for a drive out and I climbed the short distance to the top of Clogher Head, which is fairly close to where we are staying. This seemed to stretch out the calves, but my knees still seem a bit weak.

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