Rialto Bridge

The saga continues, alarm set for 5.30 this morning to get up to witness one of cruisings’ most amazing sights, the 2 hour sail into the port of Venice!

Jumped up threw back the curtains, already in dock :-( Seems there was a medical emergency late last night that necessitated full speed ahead, docked at 4a.m....what a disappointment, but totally understandable!

Needless to say we were up and out pretty early which gave us a quiet ish couple of hours before the masses arrived :-)

Last time we were here we didn’t manage to get to the Rialto Bridge, made sure this time!

We had coffee and a panini in a little cafe, lovely, and later, when we were flagging in the heat, we found a lovely little bar, dark and cool, where we had Aperol Spritz’s and it was before midday, shocking ;-)

We caught the water shuttle back to the ship around 3pm as we had had enough of the throngs of tourists by this time. Sat at the back of our boat in the shade watching the many boating antics on the Grand Canal.

Our disappointment was somewhat allayed as we sailed away, with two tug escorts, up the Grand Canal, past Murano and Burano islands, do we did get our spectacular aerial views from Deck 10, albeit later in the day :-)
See extra.

Sailing overnight next stop Croatia :-)

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