
By tookie

Blast from the past

Today was all about reconnectons and new connections!  Longtime ole buddies that we servied in VISTA ( voluteersin Service to America) with  in 1972 were out to explore a bit in the Seattle area with their youngest son and his wife.  We met up at the baseball game first as the last time they were out here the new stadium had just been built and they wanted this time to experience a game there.  After the game we returned to our home and had take out Thai food.  Instead of spending a long time in preparations of a meal, we opted for take out and visiting.  It worked out great.  We met their son's Chinese wife who was just delightful.  The younger two work and live in China and may or may not return here to live as she really loves her home (naturally).  
    This was a wonderful visit and no ice breaking was necessary...we just all clicked then and still do.  We talked a lot about their kids and what each one is now doing as well as ours.  We caught up on Our friend Len and Bobby's last twenty years too...seems like we see each other every 20 years about...but we better make it sooner this time as we are running out of time haha.  Nothing better or more rejuvenating than good longtime  friends having a nice extended chin way:)

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