
By CardioEmbolic


I like the sky, I'm not sure how to explain it other than maybe 'cornflakes'? It's not really gold, but not really anything else either! I was quite impressed with my camera on this, the pole is quite far away, and my camera is  b a d.

Went out today! I left with two extra jumpers just in case I got cold and quickly regretted that, it was very hot! The smart thing to do would've been to have stayed at home and done more revision, but I really wanted to see K, so I was silly! I enjoyed myself though, so it was worth it. He might think differently as he's ill. I really hope he gets better quickly.

I need to tidy up my room, my rewards for getting revision done (a Snickers) are slowly piling up their carcasses on my bedside table. I'd also like to paint something else, but I'm not entirely sure what yet. Aches were about 4/10, motivation was 5! :)

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