Mono Monday : : Unexpected Reflection

OilMan and I have been striving to tame the jungle outside our bedroom door for a couple of weeks now. Much of it is bamboo which has been there for many decades and has  spread its indestructible roots including, when thwarted by concrete paths on our side of the fence,  the other side of the fence in the neighbor's field. 

While Jorge and OilMan have been toiling on bamboo removal, I decided to work on one little corner dominated by a huge pot containing a plant we affectionately call Mr Spikey. The area around Mr Spikey was choked with crocosmia, giant grasses and a plant which has very little to recommend it, but was nonetheless planted by somebody all the way around the house. Jorge took out the penultimate border of the unlovely plant with a  pick axe. The final little bit of it can be seen in front of Mr Spikey.

I gave Mr Spikey a bit of a trim so I could get underneath to get it out. In the end, the only thing that is totally gone is the crocosmia, and I'm sure it will keep coming up forever. I decided to leave the unlovely plant in place to hide the gas meter until we come up with some other way to disguise it. I couldn't get the giant grass out because it was so jammed between the house and Mr Spikey's pot so I just gave it a severe haircut. 

I gave Mr Spikey's irrigation tube a cut too, but that was an accident....

Getting bamboo out of a pot where it has been planted for years is going to be a joint effort if we want to try to save the pot. It is so root bound that the roots are swirling around the inside of the pot in ropes. OilMan cut off all the bamboo, leaving a forest of dead stubble...dead because at some point apparently the irrigation had stopped working. I cut off the stubble but had to stop to go to the dentist. OilMan filled two buckets with roots and emptied the pot about half way, but has now fallen asleep on the floor with his legs up on a chair. 

Hope he can walk when he wakes up.

My picture is of reflections within least I think that's what it is. I took a picture of Mr Spikey reflected on the outside of the bedroom door, but there is also a reflection of our garage door which is on the opposite end of the house.  

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