The winning corner

Matt, Dad and I took Splash for a walk around The Gallops. She had a little twinkle in her eye but little did we know what she had in mind. We had been walking for a about twenty minutes before she took off on her own and rolled herself is some kind of stinky animal crap. She looked so happy! We carried on playing throw with her ball to the other side of the fields before she set off again into the woods. She then reappeared covered in something else she had rolled in. Im sure she does it on purpose but she always looks so happy its hard to be cross with her. It was a really nice walk spending time with Dad and Matt and blowing away the Christmas cobweds. Splash had a shower when she got home and I then dried her with the hair dryer which she also loves and will just stand there looking at me.

The photo is of my property portfolio which was small but perfectly formed to win the Christmas game of Monopoly.

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