organized chaos

My Blip today might look pretty boring to some. However, this is the end result of two solid days of work. What used to be in this spot was a huge, bottomless, over flowing toy box that spilled over onto the floor all around it. It was as if the toy box had vomited toys all over the room as a result of over indulgence.
My grandchildren are 2 and 4. I can't even use the excuse that we kept toys from one to pass to down to the other because the four year old is a boy and little girls like totally different stuff than little boys do. It was just time to purge. With Christmas there was an influx of more toys. There was just no way it could be put off any longer.
So off to Home Depot we went to find something to help us organize. This was the most kid friendly thing we could find. Of course it had to be put together. My husband counted 160 nails. It took hours of sorting but now we have a more organized and certainly more esthetic way of displaying their toys. I know I feel quite an accomplishment!

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