
By fotoday

Portrait of a puffin

There is no doubting that Skomer Island is a special place cut off from the rest of Wales by Jack Sound, a narrow stretch of water, renowned for its strong tidal currents. The island’s isolation means that there are no ground predators present on the island. For for this reason Skomer has become one of the world’s most important habitats for burrow nesting puffins and manx shearwater (which only come out of burrows at night to avoid predatory black backed gulls).
My 5 hour stay there was however was a bit mixed, having taken so long to get there I was not disappointed with the island or the hundreds of puffins but I was having an off day photography wise. I hadn't slept to well the night before so didn't feel my best and the heat of the full sun without any shade on the island took its toll on me I think. There is plenty of walking to do. However I was disappointed that I chose to go only with my lightweight olympus, after all this why Ive got it for days like this. But my goal was decent flight shots and I just don't seem to get on with the slow autofocus response of my mirrorless system, hence my frustration. So moan over, start practicing more.

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