and through the wire...

By hesscat

Turning Your Orbit Around

Hmm... this ones weird...  I went to take some in focus shots of this car park, but I had left my camera set to a small aperture and the first shot was this overexposed one. I know, I guess first rule of camera club is not to mention camera club check your settings! But I went on to take a few more correctly set shots, yet I still prefer this one given what I had been thinking about.

We'd just been to see Apollo 11, the film from footage of said mission to the moon landings. It is not a documentary really, well it has no narration, it just tells the story of that day, with unseen footage, some of which is in such great quality. It was great, and made me come to the conclusion (possibly again and I don't doubt the same as many others) that this Apollo project may well be man's greatest achievement. I am sure we have done and will go on to many bigger things, but at that time, with the tools and knowledge they had then, to achieve that, was remarkable.

And that means I am a believer... the moon landings were real :-) The moon did look weird as they were landing and taking it off, but why then keep footage hidden away for 50 years that is further proof. There, I rest my case...

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