The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

Singing in the Rain not me!!!

Apparently I’ve reached 300 entries the heck did that happen!!

The swallows didn’t pick a good day to fledge the nest...I’m sure they’d rather have spent another day in the warmth and dry!

We’ve had some exceedingly heavy showers with the rain stotting off the roofs and patio...hubby was out walking the dog as I took the main pic and they both arrived home drookit!! It’s been quite pleasant between the showers...though I didn’t chance leaving the house!

The young swallow on the left had landed on the conservatory gutter after fledging and despite encouragement from the parents and its siblings it didn’t budge again for about an hour...typically I wasn’t looking when it eventually left. It was nice to see the parents slowing down and landing instead of just dashing too and fro all day feeding the young ones.

Not sure what the bird is top right...possibly a chiffchaff or some type of warbler but it wanted to join in with the young swallows as they darted hither and thither testing their new found skills...the swallows weren’t having any of it though and kept chasing it off. It even followed them back to the nest but they put the no admittance signs up :)

Many thanks for all the stars and comments whilst I was away...I think I’ve caught up with everyone now.

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