
By biddy

Late again!!

Another busy day today.
Saw my friend at the Garden Centre as usual this afternoon. Speech is improving a little but very slowly, (since her stroke 20 months ago.)
I now take photos for her to look at and she enjoys seeing them. Makes her more relaxed so she can use her words more easily. She knows when she has used a wrong one.
The human brain is so intricate. One word she uses for quite a few things is “plope” with the “o” sound like that in “hope”.
I’ve become used to trying to put it into context so we can find the right one she is trying to use.
She uses “your mother” meaning my husband. Took me awhile to sort that one out as my mum died in 1990 aged just 70 years old.
I kept trying to explain that to her until I realised that wasn’t what she meant.
Another friend had phoned earlier today asking us up to her house just up the road, for a cuppa and catch up with her hubby since they got back from holiday. Off we went at 8.00pm. Got back at 10.15pm when I then went up the garden to put out the nightly hedgehog food.
Plenty of little snails and slugs around this evening as it has been raining on and off. Fine rain and very humid outside.
Took this photo of the shrub roses at teatime as they are coming into bloom.

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