Going down

As my antibiotics finished today and I was still feeling u see the weather I went back to the doctors today. She checked my chest and confirmed that the chest infection has gone. She recommended a product to clear my sinuses. Unfortunately the local chemist didn’t have it. It’s on order and will be there tomorrow.

Knowing that I don’t have a chest infection I’m trying to get on with things.

I walked the boys and then went to yoga with HtP. I managed not to cough throughout the session.

As we left there was a glorious sunset so we drove up St Gile’s Hill to try to get to a vantage point. It’s not the sunset but a view over the city.

The morning glory by the front door is being eaten by something so as HtP left we checked all of the leaves to see if we could see anything. I found a small slug having a good munch. He’s been for a little flight across the garden.

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