More Rain

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I wish to thank everyone for their kind comments yesterday, they are very very much appreciated.

It is a very different feeling from finishing the first year where there was a simple sense of relief from "getting it done" as it were. After that first year I wondered whether to continue or not as it felt like the end of something. Obviously I did carry on and the subtle changes and challenges I gave myself now mean that I am constantly pushing myself to get the best possible image within the situation I find myself. Going out to "search" for a Blip is not sustainable long term, although of course there are plenty of times when this is fun. Now I feel that Blip has its place within my day and it is only in the last few weeks and probably the next few whilst moving, it has become anything other than a pleasure. I now have my sights set upon the 1000, now that will feel like a celebration should I make it.

Incredibly wet around here now, have never seen so many new ponds in fields and roads underwater. Needed wellies rather than walking boots today really. This is taken in one such new pond, nice to prove it existed at least for a while. Ultimately when the water recedes, this image may be the only evidence it ever existed.

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