Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Going Live in 1, 2, 3, 4....

Down to the BBC Wales studios in Swansea first thing to be interviewed about organ donation, my donor Geoff was also on the phone.

It was good to raise awareness and hopefully if my story can help other people, then I consider that a success.

The number of Live Donors actually went down in the UK last year, a kidney from a Live Donor actually gives people a better chance of long-term success.  I realise that Organ Donation is a massive decision, and I find anyone who comes forward to be a live donor is absolutely incredible.  If you do see someone that you know suffering, please consider whether you can help, you literally will be saving a person's life.

Geoff is a hero and has saved my life, and I am forever grateful.

Here's a link to the programme, the piece on Geoff and me starts about 1:44.

Here is a also a follow up article that is on the BBC Website.

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