I'm spinning around....................

Feeling better this morning, I headed off to the gym. I saw Vic when I went in, and we were having a chat before I started working out. A guy , a newcomer said, (very nastily) have you finished or are you talking? I walked away for Vic to get on, and a few minutes later, Jill said that the same guy had started swearing at Vic, and using the F word. Said guy, then stormed out, and the trainer on duty came over to Vic to see if he was alright. I think he was a bit shaken, but the trainer said that if he returns,  he will be banned for behaving in such an aggressive way.I have never experienced anything like it before, and the people that visit the gym are all so very friendly. As Jill said, somebody must have rattled his cage this morning.   These three were raising money for some charity ( I am ashamed to say I didn't look) I don't carry any money when going to the gym, but I did manage to find some at the bottom of my gym bag, so I donated on my way out in exchange for a photo, which they didn't seem to mind. 

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