Day to day today

By Jewels4663

Dover Castle

Went to Dover Castle today as it was the last time I could use my membership - although fingers crossed that the boyfriend has extended it as one of my Christmas presents!

This is a statue of Admiral Sir Bertram Home Ramsay, who planned the Dunkirk evacuations (Operation Dynamo) and the navy's contribution to the D-Day landings. So I guess we owe him a lot! He planned both from Dover Castle's wartime tunnels, and no-one knew they were there until sometime after the war. Apparently, people who were working there didn't know how extensive the tunnels were or the work that was being carried out there.

Went down the wartime tunnels as they've been redone since I was last there. I hesitate to say 'improved' as the guides giving their talks were better to my mind - it's now really audio and video installations, which is a shame as you don't get the little titbits of info that different guides would give, although a couple of extra rooms have been opened up.

I had booked to go on a tour of the Dumpy tunnels but my brother and family wanted me to meet them in Dover when they got back from Germany so had to cancel it. As it turned out, their ferry was late so I could have done that tour after all! Not to worry - they gave me some lovely Christmas presents!!

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