Beacon Mill

It's been such a beautiful day and at lunch time I nipped across to road to eat my lunch in the park and was surprised to find an area with picnic benches, so that's very handy, particularly as I only have a 30 minute lunch break.

Tonight after dinner we set up and filled the hot tub and it's now heating up - can't wait to use it!  Then I popped out to get some sunset shots - I wasn't sure where I was going to go and ended up at Beacon Mill in Rottingdean.  Neither Alan nor Xena wanted to come, but it's a shame she didn't as I bumped into a Belgian family from Ghent.  You can just see the tiny little man taking a photo of the windmill.

I didn't get to see the eclipse of the moon unfortunately as I couldn't see it from our garden and couldn't be bothered driving down to the beach again.  Hopefully some of you will have seen it.

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