Jean & Fred

I met this beautiful couple a few weeks ago when they camped near the horses. They both radiate such lovely vibes and I instantly felt like I'd known them for ever. 

They have camped there on and off since then and we've had lots of chats and hugs. Me and the horses have emensly enjoyed their company and I the odd glass of wine they've insisted I join them for.

Today I arrived at the field to discover I had left all tack at home so I took George out bareback and in just a halter. He was good as gold and we kept it short but fast paced. Lots of lovely canters. Beautiful.

As we arrived back, Jean & Fred said they were off and may not return before they depart Orkney. I took a quick shot from George's back before dismounting for hugs. I'll miss them. They do visit each year though. Aren't they just Gorgeous!? 

I am now at work for the 3rd night in a row... So looking forward to an evening with Gorgeous tomorrow ❤️

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