Mill Pond on the River Len

We were expecting fence panels and a new garden door delivered today. It didn’t happen; it’s all being delivered tomorrow now. The epic task of painting and replacing up to 10 panels will commence tomorrow.

Instead of grappling with the fence we went for a walk in the glorious Kent countryside which proved to be very uplifting with some great views and generally peace and quiet, which is a rare commodity in Kent. The only blip on the landscape was discovering some fly tipping on Carling Road which we subsequently reported.

Went down to Canterbury this evening to listen to (former) Dr Adam Kay describe his life as a hospital doctor in spoken word and witty ditties. I’d read his book “This is going to hurt” so most of the stories were familiar. A skilfully crafted mixture of humour and sadness which dealt with illnesses and accidents that many people in the audience may well have experienced.

It was a relatively short performance, so for the cost of the tickets was relatively expensive. We were out of the theatre (not the hospital variety) by 9.00pm so decided to have a quick drink before going home. We found a micro brewery called the Foundry which served a very decent pint of rich red ale.

Saw the partial eclipse of the moon on the way home

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