At The Snowfarm

Acyclinggranny (without bike) and The Boss went to the Sno Farm today to check it out..There is a distinct lack of the stuff to the point that most of the trails had not been groomed but this actually made sno shooing more fun. It was mostly a pleasant day except for the bit when it hailed and it got overcast and colder as time passed. The first extra is A on the trail back with a Brrrr background and the second is “Making Sno” but not for the sno farm. On the same mountain there is an international car testing site and they were making sno at the coldest part of the mountain, popping it into a large truck and taking it a couple of Kms to their site to play cars with. The Snow Farm does not have any snow making of its own. Everything is  colder in LARGE.
Reporting from Tiny (Shivering a bit)

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