Big skies

I love 'big skies'. They earth me (no pun intended). They remind me of my place in the universe. My boat is so small and the ocean is so big.
May I quote a Jewish poet King, David. About 2500 years ago
"I look up at your macro-skies, dark and enormous, your handmade sky-jewelry,
Moon and stars mounted in their settings. Then I look at my micro-self and wonder,
Why do you bother with us…?
Why take a second look our way?
Yet we’ve so narrowly missed being God's, bright with Eden’s dawn light.
You put us in charge of your handcrafted world  repeated to us your Genesis-charge, Made us lords of sheep and cattle even animals out in the wild,
Birds flying and fish swimming, whales singing in the ocean deep.
God, brilliant Lord, your name echoes around the world."

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