
By Juan_G_Russo

LDS Temple, Lake Oswego, Oregon

Today, and as usual, the hours passed very quickly and I found myself seeking a blip.  I had no plans, but recalled the Church of Latter Day Saints Temple in Lake Oswego.  I arrived on site in the middle of the afternoon (bright sun with very white clouds) and made some images. 

The building is very impressive, all this white and grey marble reaching to the skies.  The grounds are beautifully maintained, and a number of families with children seem to be on site visiting. 

Given the light, I made some images, and then decided try bracketing exposure (3 sequential images).  Back at home I processed the three images into one. The only thing I was unable to accomplish was to straighten the two lateral spires.  I could not find my lens profile in Lightroom.   I will have to work some more on this topic.  The image turned out better that I anticipated.  I must return for some night photography, as the temple is brightly illuminated during evening hours.

Beginning tomorrow, Friday we expect guest in our home until the middle of August.  The hotel rooms are booked solid.

The best of all to everyone for the weekend.

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