Kinsale, County Cork

South of Cork.  Left with the 07.45 mini-bus, arrived at 09.50 in Cork, with loads of time before take-off at 17.25.  I asked a very friendly (audibly East European) staffer for day-trip suggestions, and he thought of Kinsale.  Best about the idea was that the Kinsale buses left Kinsale once an hour and passed by the airport either way.  I couldn't say no to that!

It felt a little surreal leaving the retreat while everyone was still asleep, and just as surreal that the week had gone by so quickly.  I know Maud and Bess are leaving on Saturday and Dan on Monday, while Peggy was going to stay on another week.  Maud and I are now FB-connected as well.

This shot shows the most colourful building in Kinsale, at least as far as I could see.  Ate some crepes with maple syrup, but was otherwise not hungry.  I think I was too tired.

Back at the airport at 14.30, and used the waiting time to update my bookkeeping.  I practically set up my own little working space near the gates, taking advantage of the electric outlets.  No rush, loads of time.  By 16.30, I had closen shop and was at the gate.  We left half an hour later, though, but the pilot made it up by flying faster so that we were only 5 minutes late at Amsterdam.  No check-in luggage meant I was out buying my train ticket and was on time for the 20.53 Intercity to Breda.  By 22.45, I was out of the train station and walking towards my car, where AW had parked it -- our favourite free parking area.  Then drove to S & B's house where he said they would be playing bridge -- greetings and hugs everywhere!  What good friends we have.  Finally, after some 20 minutes, I said I would go home.  Once home, unpacked, put away stuff, and about 45 minutes later, AW was home again.

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