Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The long and winding road

Actually it wasn’t long and it was mostly a straight one between Guildford odeon and home in Woking. But I needed a Beatles reference to accompany what is effectively an emergency blip, on account of going to see Yesterday, and that was as close as I could get.

Daft but enjoyable movie. No-one could ever accuse Richard Curtis of making gritty films but Danny Boyle does a good job with what he has to work with. And it will probably introduce a whole new generation to some of the greatest music ever written and performed which is no bad thing. Look out for Kate McKinnon as the very straight talking LA agent. Probably as meaty as it gets. Oh and being Curtis it has a daft and oversexed loveable sidekick, a cringeworthy confessional moment in front of lots of people, a wedding, and a happy ending. Definitely a Saturday night movie.

I had a flashback moment when I got home. Sat on the settee and remembered going to see Notting Hill with TSM twenty years ago and sitting down in more or less the same spot with a glass of wine and a cheesy feelgood factor. The thing that got me that night was Elvis Costello singing ”She" which still makes a tear well in my eye. Mind you it did when Charles Aznavour used to sing it. I remember having it on a C90 cassette recorded off the radio. If you can remember that shit you are, like me and Richard Curtis, way too old.

On the grittier side, finished reading The Year Of The Flood this afternoon. Brilliant read. Intellectually, emotionally and dramatically gripping. Although no Beatles songs. I’m hoping to see Attwood "live" in September - one of those cinema around the world live interviews, her actual physical appearance being at the National Theatre in London.

Plus I did the ultimate fridge clean out today. Made me feel good. You have to take life at every level, from the painful to the happy and the mundane to the sublime, and value it for what it is and love it. Which is probably both a Lennon and McCartney and a Margaret Attwood thing to say.

Good day.

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