The Big Day

Ida had absolutely no scoobie doo what was going on over Christmas. Having had at least 4 different viruses, plus the usual colds, sniffles, snuffles AND teething issues she has been one unhappy bunny since around the beginning of October.

It's meant sleepless nights and very, very, VERY early starts to the day but on top of that it's also meant having a really grumpy girl around most of the time.

4 days before Christmas, she stopped being ill! That was the best christmas present I've ever had. She just started being happy again, and dancey and jokey and fun. I honestly started to worry that we'd lost her completely to the god of grump but thankfully, just in time for Christmas (I have other friends who haven't had that fortune with their wee babbas) she was back to her old self.

Welcome back that girl!

We all had an amazing day - hectic, but fun and no stresses at all. Ida got a buggy & a rag doll from santa. As you can see from this picture she was very happy with it. Arlo got an Octopod from Santa. As you can see from this picture, he was very happy with it. All in all, we're pretty happy right now.

Happy Christmas Blipland. Have I told you how much I love you recently?! x

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