Family Dog

By Family_Dog

The First...

time I've ever been up Arthur's Seat.

I KNOW! Everybody is always shocked when I tell them I've never been up it. But there you just seemed to me that it would always be there and seeing as there wasn't a bar or club at the top of it, for most of my years in Edinburgh I really didn't see why I needed to be up there.

I know! Everybody is always shocked when I say that bit too.

Anyway, seeing as for the FIRST TIME IN OUR LIVES as the Family Dog we had a quiet New Year at home, alone, we decided we'd walk up Arthur's Seat and have a lovely time. We'd been trying to get up it for the last few weeks but the weather had been so bad and so our chance was in our grasp.

BLOODY HELL. We walked up the wrong way for a start and at the top, whilst beautiful (I will not deny the view), it was pretty miserable. Ida was screaming her head off about the wind and Arlo was screaming his head off becuase we'd promised him crisps and then left them in the car. We had a wee glass of bubbles before setting off for home again.

Then I spent the next 20 minutes falling down the bloody hill. Stupid Nike trainers. Not meant for hill walking apparently.

It would seem that 2013 is not to be the year I become the sophisticated and classy lady I have always hoped to be... still. Gives me 364 days to continue being a clumsy oaf and give it a go again next year.

Happy New Year everybody. Here we go again! x

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