The Fruit of of the Pomegranate......

I have joined the photo of the pomegranate fruit from about a month ago, with the fruit, just a few days ago.  I created the collage so you could visually compare the growing and the passed......
    The fruit on the right, had been blipped a while ago, as we watched it's flower, growth, development.  It was amazing to watch the process.  
But, then the fruit died, I think it had been beaten down by the rain and the stem was bent, depriving the fruit of sustenance.
     The photo on the left is of the dried fruit, beside the ruler, in inches and cm's, in an effort to give you an appreciation of the actual size of this tiny little fruit.  Due to all the cloud days, rain and humidity, I brought the fruit inside to photograph.  The lighting was very poor, hence the shadowing from the round base.  It's not clear, but you can get the idea.  
     From here, the fruit will get a proper burial in the garden, and I can hope to get another flower......

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