
By tondrijfhamer

To the swimming pool!

Today was all about resting, relaxing and swimming.
What else can you do when temperatures are getting close to 40C.
After breakfast Annemarie and I got our home sorted, unpacking most of the bags while Bas and Daan couldn’t wait until the swimming pool would open. It opens at 11.30, rather late in their opinion (and ours). It’s probably a French thing.

They left around 11.15 (it’s a 3 minute walk, so you’d better be in time..) and Annemarie and I followed 30 minutes later.
We all swam for a while we soon but ended up in the shadow with our books. I’m reading the third part of the Oxen-trilogy bij Jens Henrik Jensen. Swimming, reading, swimming, icecream, reading and swimming. That’s today in a nutshell.

Annemarie and I went back to our cabin around 16.00 hours where I started to work on my photobook after a cup of coffee. It’s something I’ve been doing the past few years now, and it looks like this year will be no exception.

After downloading my photos and processing them rather quickly using selfmade presets, I’m creating a book day by day, so when we get home all I have to do is upload it and one week later we have a family-holiday album to show.

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