Snap shots of life...

By Countrypreneur

New Year

Ringing in 2013 required a few things: a weeks R&R to get over the madness that was 2012 which included - in the space of just 3 weeks - renting my cottage out, moving 12mins down the road into the other cottage, renovating and moving the business to the new workshop, launching Little Soap's organic range and rolling it out across 45 supermarket stores over 10 counties as well as launching it to current and new outlets, oh and as a result of this the business quadrupling in size (get it all done in one go I say), some bloody good champers to celebrate all this and of course, the compulsory time to ponder, look forward and cobble together the New Year's resolutions.

Here goes:-

1. To take DigiSLR off 'auto' and use it more (night school booked - starts end of the month eek!)
2. To Blip 365 in 2013 (well, here I am... so far so good)
3. Learn to do a proper crow pose (bakasana) and hold it for more than 3 seconds (!)
4. To keep running - at least 3x a week and build to easy 10kms
5. Complete Wolf Run (April) and Mud Run (Oct)
6. Grow Little Soap Company from regional to national
7. Go to the cinema/theatre more (see 8 and 9)

....and the old familiars that are pretty much the same as they are every year:

8. Eat well and drink less (9 day detox to kick start this starts Saturday)
9. Learn to work less (!!!)
10. Learn to relax (and not feel riddled with guilt)
11. Find balance

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