Start as we mean to go on

3years 72days

Happy New Year!

Its been a brilliant day. Katie and I spent the morning at home - we baked bread and flapjack, made soup, did painting and lots of playing. We had a great time.

Early afternoon, Victoria, Jasmine and Jaden came. A quick lunch (not a very successful one) and all the children were ready to be outdoors. We took them to the pasture and set them free. We did a LOT of running around, it was brilliant. We took them up to "the castle" - where Katie insisted there were princesses and fairies, but definitely no witches. Many many fairies she insisted. We ran all up and down, over a golf course, back down the pasture, and then found a stream. Which Katie wouldnt go in. But then did. And then ran up and down the stream many times, getting very very wet.

We came home (via the shop for dry clothes for Vic's kids!) and had party tea together, joined just in time by John. Katie however had fallen asleep in the car on the way home and stayed that way, going straight to bed. She woke as we watched Friends during pudding. She refused to stay in bed, but curled straight up on the floor in the lounge and went to sleep.

A good start to 2013. Long may it continue!

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