Mini mermaids

Today was my day with the girls...we went down to the rocks & did more treasure hunting. There's a perfect little rock pool that's great for paddling and lying in, spa-stylee...and it's safe for the girls too...this stretch of coast is very rocky and at times quite rough, so it's good to have this little safe haven bit. 
Later we met up with 2 of the school families and watched The Lion King at the cinema...such a good film. My only down point was that I couldn't sing along to the songs as they were in Spanish, obviously, ha! We went to the park after that - good to chat and have time together. I brought Nate home about 8...friends brought Asha back at 10. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into 2 homeless friends down at the rocks. 
2) Wholesome fun - playing in the sea and collecting stones.
3) School mum friends. 

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