Random Andom

By RandomAndom

2013 Day 1: A Lazy Day

The events of the previous evening had taken their toll.
I awoke early in the am with a thumping headache and a mouth drier than Ghandis flip flop.
I made my way downstairs, took two pain killers, had a slice of the pizza we bought at 2am and downed a pint of water.
I then returned to bed and awoke four hours later feeling much better.

McCombers and I spent the majority of the day on the couch watching season 2 of Dexter and eating junk food.
The highlight of our feeding frenzy was by far the popcorn.
It was caramel and ginger flavour.
Was amazing.

It was probably the best Christmas present I bought McCombers this year, it was nice of her to share some with me.

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