Just looking..

By ccleeve

Happy New Year!

Finally nice weather! A really good start to the year - the first sunshine in days, and free tickets to Kew Gardens. It was D's second visit - he first went in July last year, but wasn't quite walking on his own then. This time he had a great time running about chasing squirrels and pigeons, admiring the tropical plants in the glasshouses, and discovering mud. He was fascinated by the empty flowerbeds and took some convincing that they weren't left that way for him to play in.

I've realised that an active toddler is very hard to photograph properly - getting them in the shot is difficult enough, almost impossible if you are also trying to look after them. So here's a shot of D as he runs off laughing - I followed quickly behind him. It looks as though he's chasing his shadow, but he hasn't yet discovered that (the mud and passing planes were far too interesting).

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