Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot

Parking, No Parking

I have spent a lot of time in my apartment lately. I had a pretty good summer/fall work-wise, which created a lot of need to be sitting at the computer, but lately, I've been staying in for various other reasons, one of which is the weather (it's been raining a bit of late); another is that I've become obsessed with scanning old family photos.

My mom's health has been deteriorating quickly (dementia) and, as keeper of all our family photos (some going as far back as 1929 or so), I've been meaning to scan them and make them available to whomever might be interested in printing them at some later date. Or making a book from them.

There are many that others in my family (especially the younger generations) haven't seen. Also, my cousins and their parents have probably not seen them, so, I've been posting some on Facebook for them to see.

So... with all of this indoor time, I've decided to get out for some long walks, preferably early enough in the day to take photographs. I failed at the getting out early part today, so I took the F street car all the way to its end in what I like to call the Disneyland of San Francisco, Fisherman's Wharf. The street car was fairly full a couple of stops after I got on, and we all had to endure the droning ramblings from what I assumed was a drunk, homeless man.

After getting off the F, I walked through a section of Fort Mason (where this photo was taken), then home, a walk that totaled almost five miles (and a good bit of elevation as I climbed Laguna Street).

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