As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

...Then You'll Never Know

I stayed up until 3:00 last night watching Mr. Holland's Opus. It's easily one of my favorite movies, and I'm so happy I got it for Christmas. I slept in late and when I woke up I did homework. I don't know why, but my parents have this terrible habit of yelling at me and telling me to do things more when I'm sick...they should kick that habit. I went for the first run of the new year this afternoon in my new shoes. I'm going to keep a much better running log this year, and I'm definitely going to take better care of my shoes. It ended up being a little long (4.16) but it didn't feel that long. I spent the rest of the night finishing APUSH, reading The Color Purple, and talking to Richard.

Tomorrow's going to be a long day.

Word of the Day: Exordium - The beginning of anything

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