
By snehith

The Friendly Stranger

The lights on the dance floor flew around like buzzing bees, forming random patterns on the dazzling gowns and the dull tuxedos, and exposing the dull lounge sofas that sat silently in the dark. The DJ, the overseer, was bored of the sluggish crowd who were more interested in drinking and socializing, than falling to his tainted attempts at humor. Nevertheless, I was there, alone on the dance floor, trying my best to get my dance moves right,and clicking pictures when tired. Around me were the clusters of the crowd; some formed randomly, some, which were precast. My gang of friends was busy in the waiting in the line to be served a martini or vodka. I had already completed my dose of Coke for the evening, and was just hanging around clicking pictures.

"Chal sakhe na husna dah vaar Mundian to bach ke rahin" screamed the speakers. The bass almost blew away the skinny lady dancing by the speaker. I raised my arms, trying my best to remember the poses from a high school annual fest bhangra performance. I closed my eyes trying to get my hands and legs in sync with the music, and as soon as I opened them, there she was, shaking a leg at a distance away from me. I continued to dance myself, knowing how unwelcoming Desi girls are known to be at such bashes. She stepped an inch closer, and smiled. And we danced for a while facing each other at a distance. I prompted her to circle around in a bhangra step, and she was pleasantly surprised, enjoying repeating the move herself.

The DJ started trying his promotional tactics again, with music playing in the background, and we both stopped. She looked, smiled, and the conversation followed

She - " You here all by yourself? "
Me - "Nope. Here with friends. "
She - "You dance pretty well !"
Me - "You are quite generous!"
She - "Would you like to join our group, may be?"
Me - "Sure".

I introduced myself. "Deepali", she said, and we shook hands.

Happy New Year people !

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