Pizza oven

This pizza oven that fits over the fire pit, caught my eye today in a shop in Norwich today. Would be nice when we have a patio.

Jon has managed to fit the shelf and rails in our wardrobe, so I'm just heading upstairs now to filter out a few more of my clothes. It is still a squeeze getting both Jon's and my clothes in and I am sure I don't need most of it. Especially going out dresses, as we don't tend to do parties any more. I think I can fill at least one more black sack.

Had a long day at work, and since I got home I've been sorting out paperwork and maps, guidebooks etc for our holiday. I think we've got it all sorted. Need to make a trip to the caravan to collect a few things we will take but that can wait a while.

Must get those clothes into a black plastic bag, then an early night I think.

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