Coloured Sugar

Today was a horrible day weather wise so spent the morning tidying up ready for a good clean for H's. wedding on Saturday don't know where everyone is going to go as going to have a houseful of people. This afternoon popped to Merry Hill to change a dress I bought on Saturday and then down to H's.for try on her dress after the alterations and to pick H.up as she was coming to our house for tea as A.was out with his friends from work for a 'stag meal' except most of the people are women. Phew! the dress fits properly now no longer indecent, took ages to get from H' ours what with the weather, rush-hour and traffic diversions. After tea we coloured the sugar ready for the favours for the ladies we are giving them a mini cake mix ( more pictures to follow when completed) now ready for bed as another busy day tomorrow.

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